Monday, February 6, 2012

Cara Reset Printer Canon IP 2770

Printer Deskjet Saat ini memang sudah selalu disalahgunakan pabila dibaca dari buku petunjuk (manual) yang biasanya disertakan saat pembelian printer atau bisa juga di baca di menu helpnya. Disana sudah jelas bahwa Cartrige itu harus diganti dan bukan untuk disuntik kembali. Jadi apabila habis tinta seharusnya ganti Cartrige tetapi pada kenyataannya malah melakukan tindakan penyuntikan tinta. Alasan ekonomilah yang paling tepat untuk menjawab kenapa hal ini dilakukan.

Dengan adanya tindakan suntik tinta tersebut biasanya membawa akibat printer menjadi error, dan banyak sekali error yang ditimbulkan akibat dari tindakan kita yang melanggar ketentuan dari produsen printer. Salah satunya adalah error 5200. 

Error 5200 ini diakibatkan oleh perbedaan inisialisasi Cartrige yang terpasang sebelum dilepas dari tempat (dudukannya di printer) dan setelah dipasang kembali, hal ini membuat printer tidak bisa digunakan untuk mencetak meski printer saat dihidupkan dalam keadaan normal, namun setelah diberikan perintah mencetak maka printer yang tadinya “ready” (tombol power menyala normal) tiba-tiba berubah menjadi berkedip bergantian dengan lampu Resume (lampu berwarna orange).

Oleh karena printer tidak bisa mencetak maka diperlukan tindakan penyelamatan dengan cara mereseta kembali printer yang error 5200 tersebut agar printer dapat digunakan kembali untuk mencetak.

Cara Reset Printer Canon IP 2770

Berikut ini adalah Langkah-langkah atau tips untuk melakukan reset printer secara manual yang dapat dilakukan sendiri di rumah atau kantor atau tempat kerja anda.

Posisi Printer harus dalam keadaan mati (kalau printer sudah hidup, silahkan dimatikan terlebih dahulu).
  1. Tekan dan tahan tombol Resume kurang lebih 2 detik, dilanjutkan dengan tekan tombol Power.
  2. Lepas tombol Resume (tombol Power masih tetap ditekan)
  3. Tekan Tombol Resume berulangkali sebanyak 5 kali dan lepas kedua tombol (Power & Resume)
  4. Tunggu beberapa detik hingga Lampu Power menyala normal (tidak berkedip-kedip)
  5. Matikan printer
  6. Hidupkan kembali printer
Cara Reset Printer Canon IP 2770 sudah selesai, dan printer Canon IP 2770 anda sekarang sudah siap untuk mencetak.

Selamat mereset printer anda semoga cara reset printer Canon ini dapat membantu.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Podcast kadang-kadang disebut sebagai setara audio dari sebuah blog. Podcast adalah hanya bentuk lain dari komunikasi elektronik via Web. Sebuah fenomena yang relatif baru, bisnis dan organisasi akan mulai podcast untuk berbagi informasi dan pendapat yang relevan dengan bidang keahlian mereka. Hari ini, siapa pun dapat memulai podcast.

Podcasting muncul sekitar tahun 2004 sebagai bentuk iklan serta cara mudah untuk menjangkau audiens yang mendengarkan. Idenya tertangkap dengan cepat. Hari ini, bahkan warga negara dapat memulai podcast, seperti memulai sebuah blog. Sementara banyak orang melakukan hal ini hanya sebagai sarana berbagi pikiran dan pendapat, yang lain adalah bisnis yang lebih fokus dan menggunakannya sebagai cara untuk membuat uang.

Untuk memulai podcast, pengguna akan perlu untuk mendapatkan perangkat lunak perekaman. Banyak komputer datang dilengkapi dengan perangkat lunak audio sebagai bagian dari harga pembelian. Jika tidak, sedikit riset pasar dapat membantu Anda menentukan perangkat lunak audio terbaik untuk kebutuhan anda. Setelah merekam, menyimpan file audio ke komputer Anda dalam format sharable (seperti MP3).

Selanjutnya Anda harus membuat RSS feed untuk rekaman Anda. Internet memiliki banyak tersedia tutorial untuk mengajarkan cara untuk melakukan ini.

Anda dapat mempublikasikan podcast Anda ke Internet dalam dua cara. Pertama, Anda dapat memulai website Anda sendiri. Sebuah alternatif (gratis) lebih murah adalah dengan memulai sebuah blog di mana Anda akan membuat podcast Anda tersedia. Tambahkan feed RSS / langganan tombol sehingga pendengar dapat secara otomatis menerima pemberitahuan bila Anda mempublikasikan podcast baru. 

Cara kedua yang Anda dapat mempublikasikan podcast Anda adalah untuk meng-upload ke website hosting podcast. Situs ini menerima podcast dari semua jenis. Mereka biasanya biaya beberapa jenis keanggotaan atau biaya berlangganan yang biasanya nominal, tergantung pada situs. Anda cukup meng-upload file Anda ke situs, mengkategorikan, dan tag dengan kata kunci yang relevan sehingga pihak yang berkepentingan akan menemukannya.

Mereka yang memulai podcast dengan tujuan menghasilkan keuntungan memiliki beberapa pilihan untuk menghasilkan pendapatan. Cara termudah untuk membuat uang dengan memulai podcast adalah untuk membuat rekaman Anda tersedia di website atau blog Anda sendiri. Isi blog Anda dengan teks yang berhubungan dengan tema siaran Anda. Kemudian, mendaftar dengan pengiklan afiliasi pemasaran dan menjalankan iklan yang berhubungan dengan tema. Anda membuat uang setiap kali pengunjung untuk klik website Anda pada salah satu iklan afiliasi.

Cara lain untuk menghasilkan uang dengan memulai podcast adalah untuk mendapatkan sponsor. Ini bisa menjadi sedikit sulit bagi kebanyakan orang untuk melakukannya. Namun, warga rata-rata banyak telah membuat nama untuk diri mereka sendiri dan membangun reputasi dengan membuat acara audio berkualitas. Dalam melakukannya, mereka telah mampu menarik sponsor komersial. Podcast Anda lebih populer adalah, semakin banyak uang yang Anda dapat membuat cara ini.


"AFILIASI PEMASARAN" adalah salah satu frase yang paling populer Web yang kata kunci. Pengusaha internet telah menemukan keberhasilan dalam pemasaran afiliasi dengan memulai sebuah situs afiliasi. Pengusaha membuat keuntungan tanpa menjual produk atau layanan mereka sendiri.

Meskipun "AFILIASI PEMASARAN" adalah ungkapan yang relatif modern, premis ini adalah hal baru. Konsep ini sama dengan seorang tenaga penjualan yang bekerja untuk pengecer. Seorang penjual mobil, misalnya, tidak memiliki mobil dia menjual. Dia hanya mendorong mereka untuk orang lain. Dia mencari nafkah melalui komisi yang ia membuat pada setiap mobil yang dijualnya.

AFILIASI PEMASARAN bekerja dengan cara yang sama, tetapi secara virtual. Seorang pemilik situs afiliasi membuat komisi dengan iklan produk perusahaan lain pada nya atau situsnya. 

Ada puluhan program pemasaran afiliasi di Internet. Mereka mungkin bervariasi dalam bagaimana komisi dibayarkan. Beberapa membayar afiliasi mereka komisi untuk setiap penjualan yang terjadi berdasarkan arahan dari situs afiliasi. Lainnya membayar komisi penjualan dan juga membayar komisi kecil setiap kali pengunjung klik ke situs afiliasi link ke situs penjual, bahkan jika tidak menghasilkan penjualan. Either way, premis adalah sama.

Kuncinya adalah menyiapkan sebuah situs web yang sesuai sebuah Lebih baik untuk memilih topik yang Anda tertarik dan tahu sedikit tentang "niche". Misalnya, seseorang yang mencintai memasak dapat membuat website semua tentang memasak. Hal ini dapat diisi dengan tips memasak, ide-ide menghias kue, resep barbekyu atau apapun yang berhubungan dengan memasak.

Selanjutnya, pemilik website mendaftar dengan program afiliasi pemasaran. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dalam beberapa menit online. Afiliasi diberi kode akses dan / atau ID login untuk menggunakan dan petunjuk tentang cara untuk mulai iklan produk perusahaan. Biasanya ini mewajibkan pemilik untuk memasukkan bagian kode HTML ke dalam nya / script situs web-nya.

Afiliasi program pemasaran afiliasi memungkinkan pemilik situs web untuk mengiklankan produk yang berhubungan dengan situs mereka salah satu dari dua cara utama. Beberapa memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih kata kunci yang terkait untuk / nya ceruk. Perusahaan kemudian memilih untuk mengiklankan produk yang terkait dengan kata kunci tersebut. Sebuah situs memasak, misalnya, mungkin akan menggunakan kata kunci seperti "memasak", "kue" dan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan memasak istilah.

Program AFILIASI PEMASARAN Beberapa memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih produk tertentu untuk beriklan. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk memiliki kontrol atas jenis produk yang akan diiklankan di / nya situsnya.

Either way, setiap iklan yang muncul pada website afiliasi akan terkait dengan topik / tema situs. Pengunjung ke situs afiliasi telah datang karena mereka tertarik pada pelajaran. Melihat iklan afiliasi dapat mendorong pengunjung untuk klik pada iklan dan akhirnya, untuk membeli produk.

Biaya utama yang terkait dengan memulai sebuah situs afiliasi adalah biaya pengaturan situs. Biaya berkelanjutan mungkin termasuk iklan (seperti bayar per-klik iklan) dan pendaftaran domain. Dengan sedikit latihan, pemasaran afiliasi dapat menyebabkan keuntungan besar.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Broadcasting, Cable, the Internet and Beyond: An Introduction to Modern Electronic Media

Product Description

This survey of the field of modern electronic media includes the new technologies, regulations, programming, and competition that affect our world and the broadcasting industry. The text conveys the excitement of the industry in a readable text that makes even the most difficult information understandable. This edition addresses the latest trends and debates in the field, including satellite radio and new terrestrial digital radio, ipods and podcasting, the growth of Google, and cable and internet advertising .

About the Author

Joseph R. Dominick received his undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois and his Ph.D. from Michigan State University in 1970. He taught for four years at Queens College of the City University of New York before coming to the College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia where, from 1980 to 1985, he served as head of the Radio-TV-Film Sequence. Dr. Dominick is the author of three books in addition to The Dynamics of Mass Communication and has published more than thirty articles in scholarly journals. From 1976 to 1980, Dr. Dominick served as editor of the Journal of Broadcasting. He has received research grants from the National Association of Broadcasters and from the American Broadcasting Company and has consulted for such organizations as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the American Chemical Society.

Barry L. Sherman is Lambdin Kay Professor and Director of the George Foster Peabody Awards at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia. Chairman of the Department and Associate Director of the Peabody Awards from 1986 to 1991, he was founding Director of the Dowden Center for Telecommunication Studies. In 1995, he was named Frank Stanton Fellow by the International Radio & Television Society in recognition of “outstanding contributions to electronic media education.” He has also been a Fellow at the National Cable Television Center and Museum in Denver and the Freedom Forum Media Studies Center in New York. A graduate of Queens College, the City University of Anew York (B.A.., 1974; M.A., 1975), and Penn State (Ph.D., 1979) Dr. Sherman teaches and conducts research in the areas of broadcast and cable management and audience behavior. His research and consulting clients have included CapCities/ABC, The Canadian Broadcasting Company, the National Association of broadcasters, Paragon, among others. He writings have appeared in a variety of professional and trade publications, including Journal of Communication, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Communication Education, Journalism Quarterly, and Channels.

Fitz J. Messere is Associate Professor, Communications Stujdies at SUNY Oswego. He has worked extensively int he field and is an Annenberg Faculty Fellow. 

Product Details

  • Paperback: 368 pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages; 6 edition (March 14, 2007)
  • Language: English
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ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income

Product Description

A complete how-to from two of the world’s top bloggersThousands of aspiring bloggers launch new blogs every day, hoping to boost their income. Without solid advice from experts, most will fail. This bestselling guide, now fully revised with new and updated tips and tricks from two of the world’s most successful bloggers, provides the step-by-step information bloggers need to turn their hobby into an income source or a fulltime career.
    ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
  • Earning a solid income from blogging is possible, but tricky; this book details proven techniques and gives aspiring bloggers the tools to succeed
  • Even novices will learn to choose a blog topic, analyze the market, set up a blog, promote it, and earn revenue
  • Offers solid, step-by-step instruction on how bloggers make money, why niches matter, how to use essential blogging tools and take advantage of social media and content aggregators, what a successful blog post should include, how to optimize advertising, and much more
Written by two fulltime professional bloggers, the updated edition of ProBlogger tells you exactly how to launch and maintain a blog that makes money.

From the Back Cover

Turn your passion for blogging into extra revenueThere are no magic wands, hidden tricks, or secret handshakes that can bring you immediate success in the blogging world, but with the help of this book, you can get there. Written by two leading authorities on creating and monetizing blogs, ProBlogger carefully lays out the steps you need to follow to create a revenue-generating blog. From choosing a topic and publishing your first post to promoting your site using social media and receiving your first check, you'll find out what really works.
Packed with practical, tried and tested advice, this guide shows you how to:
  • Choose the right blog tools and platforms
  • Find your niche so you can excel
  • Start writing in a way that attracts visitors
  • Follow winning strategies on how to earn income with your blog
  • Drive readers to your blog through Twitter®, Facebook®, and Digg
  • Select the best advertising services
  • Uncover the secrets of successful blogs

    About the Author

    Darren Rowse launched in 2004, where he advises fellow bloggers on every aspect of blogging. He's also the blogger behind the successful His blogs are read by over 3 million people per month and he has been making a fulltime living from blogging since 2005.Chris Garrett is a fulltime blogger and new media consultant who has been involved commercially with the Internet since 1994. ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income

    Editorial Reviews


    ‘…structured in easy, well written stages...this book is essential if you are going to achieve your blogging objectives.' (, March 2011).

    Tuesday, August 9, 2011


    How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

    from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

    What lots of people face is they have a great new blog, want to share ideas, passions to interest readers, but have difficulty increasing traffic to their blogs. You have to take the right steps to ensure that more people and the right targeted people start visiting your blog. Here are five easy ways to start seeing increased results, right away.


    1. Submit your blog to popular blog communities and directories such as mybloglog, BlogCatolog, Technorati, which is a great way to showcase your blog, featured blog posts and your rss feeds. If you post a lot of content, you could end up with many featured posts, which can really help you drive traffic to your blog.
    2. Submit your blog Rss Feeds to drive traffic to your blog. Go to FeedBurner and create an account this allows blog owners the ability to manage their RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers. Once you have your feed you can submit your RSS feed to directories. If you don’t have the time to submit more than one feed at a time. RSS Submit is a automated rss submitter software which is quite the time saver.
    3. Use article directories to get immediate increased traffic to your blog. Submit original articles to the large article databases. The most popular of these include EzineArticles, GoArticles and Amazines. If you can comply with their commercial guidelines, wikipedia and wikiHow are also great places. This has a two pronged effect, just like was mentioned above. You’ll have more incoming links to your blog, which directly increases traffic and indirectly increases traffic through improving your ranking in search engines. And you’ll establish yourself as an industry expert on whatever niche or topic your blog is about.
    4. Comment on blogs and forums related to your niche, to establish yourself as a knowledgeable member of a community. If done properly, an expert with valuable information to share can help you tremendously. Try to submit some of your comments to blogs or forums that is rank 4 or more, this does two things for you. For starters, it gets your link in more places, which can directly lead to more traffic and can also give backlinks to your blog this will improve your standings in the search engines.
    5. Use social bookmarking sites. Spend a few minutes posting your blog, and blog posts and articles to high traffic sites like digg, delicious, mixx. These sites are just a small amount of the many bookmarking sites on the Internet. It's best to try to submit to as many as you can. While you should not post all of your articles to these sites, you want to post the ones you consider the best. A useful tool to social bookmark sites automatically is Onlywire.

    Sources and Citations

    Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.


    How to Get Targeted Traffic to Your Website

    from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

    So now you've got yourself a website and you want traffic. There are a lot of methods to use, some free, some you pay for. Here are some methods.


    1. The number one free way to get traffic to your site is to publish articles around your keywords on as many sites as possible. There are quite a few article sites that have articles you can use or edit for your needs. Then there are article submitters that will place your article on a bunch of sites at once for you.
    2. There are also ezines,(online-magazines), that specialize in articles, and have large memberships that will possibly read your article and hopefully follow a link to your site that you place with the article. Using this method causes links to your site from the sites you've put it on and results in more traffic.
    3. Another great way to get traffic is to join the social sites. They are popping up at an ever-increasing rate. By socializing with others on the net through these sites, everything you join or participate in gives you more people to see your site. And, if you're selling stuff from your site, you'll want to go to the places (interest groups) on the social site where people are interested in what you're selling.
    4. Another free way to get traffic is to distribute an E-book all over the internet with your links in it. These can be made quite easily with software you can get by searching on Google or by checking at the bottom of this article for a link. These can also be put on social sites and ezines for them. Again, wherever you put them causes a link back to your site.
    5. Set up a Blog. These are a very good method for getting traffic to your site and they are free. You can start one at one of many free blog sites. Then you set up a feed for content and then go to other blogs with the same topics or fields of interests and read and comment on their articles. As well alot allow you to post your article which gives you more traffic.
    6. Another way is a Press Release. There are sites that will send a news type story about your new product or info on your site to alot of other sites. Some of these are pay sites though, so you have to watch out.
    7. Google Adwords is the most popular method for traffic. Since they are the top search engine right now it make sense to advertise there if you can afford it. You bid on keywords to get your site at the top of the search when your keyword comes up. There is more involved but it's all laid out at Google. Ther are alot of other sites that use this advertising strategy called pay per click or PPC.
    8. Another popular way of getting traffic is with a search engine submitter, where a site will send your link to many search engines at once for a price. The more search engines you want to be on, the higher the price. There are a few free programs you can use but they usually dont submit to too many at once.
    9. You can buy leads from a lead selling site. These are supposed to be email addresses of people that have signed up to recieve offers. You just have to watch that they have good fresh "double optin" leads of people who requested more information about your particular field or you could be marked as a spammer. Some of these sites will email them for you with your own email or you can buy separate leads and use a separate email site for the mailing. There are email programs you can use but then you have a problem that Internet providers usually only allow up to 500 emails per day, and if you're doing it every day they might (rightfully) accuse you of spamming and shut down your connection.
    Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get Targeted Traffic to Your Website. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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